A WOMAN whose hair was really thin and straggly, has revealed the three-step routine she used to get it looking super thick and healthy, including a £1.49 Home Bargains buy.
Asfennah, who is a trichologist, was sick of her hair thinning, so decided to take matters into her own hands.

Sharing a video of her now long and luscious locks to TikTok, she said: “My hair didn’t always look like this.”
She then showed viewers clips of what her hair previously looked like, with straggly split ends and thin patches.
“It looked like this”, she said.
“So I invented my own routine.”
To get her locks looking thick and healthy again Asfennah began using a hair and scalp roller once a week.
When you use a derma roller on your scalp, it creates tiny wounds, which activates growth factors.
These growth factors send messages to your scalp’s hair follicles to start repairing themselves, including making your hair grow.
You can pick up a derma roller from Amazon for £5.99.
She also puts hair oils on her hair to stimulate growth.
The most popular hair oil is rosemary oil, which has been proven to aid hair growth.
You can pick up rosemary oil from Boots for £6.
After Asfennah has put the oil into her hair, she wraps her head in cling film, so that the oils don’t dry out.
You can buy cling film from Home Bargains for just £1.49.
Hair loss tips
We can lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day, according to the NHS.
It is not usually something to worry about, but occasional it can be a sign of a medical concern.
These include illness, stress, cancer treatment, weight loss and iron deficiency.
The NHS advises to book an appointment with your GP to see if you can get to the cause of it.
Experts at American Academy of Dermatology Association also recommend to eat healthy, limit curling irons and only use them for special occasions.
They also recommend using a gentle shampoo, and make use of leave-in conditioners.
She leaves the oil in for a minimum of four hours, before washing it out.
Asfennah’s (@asfennah) video, has likely left many people impressed, as it has racked up over 9.2 million views on the video sharing platform.
TikTok users raced to the video’s comments section to share their thoughts.
One person said: “Best hair transformation I’ve seen.”
A second person said: “You hair looks amazing!”
A third person said: “This is literally my dream hair!”
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